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OUR NIGHTMARE 24 HOURS IN BALI (we decided to leave)

 On the verge of a meltdown at the moment, not sure where we're sleeping tonight again for the third time today, hey guys welcome back to another video, I'm mandy, I'm a digital, nomad, currently traveling around the world, with my fiance lloyd, in search of the best place To live as a digital nomad, so if you like, travel, based content or learning how to make money online hit the subscribe button. So today, lloyd - and I are currently in seminyak - we're about to check out of this incredible airbnb that we stayed at. If you haven't seen the video I'll link it above bit devastated to be leaving this place, it's had been so nice having the extra space and the pool and everything to ourselves.

It's just been so amazing. We've got a lot to do before. We actually fly out to thailand, not tomorrow, but the next day. Up until about an hour ago, we didn't know where we were going to be staying.

We left it till last minute to booking a hotel for the next couple nights and everything's booked out in bali. At the moment, which is awesome, obviously we really want that uh, the tourism and everything but yeah. It just shows like polar opposites, because up until now, we had just been booking pretty much day by day when you know we'd book somewhere one day, just in case we didn't like it and then we could always like book somewhere else or extend if we wanted To but yeah I mean all the affordable in our price range that we like to spend was all booked out, so we did manage to find one place, we're a little bit unsure of it. We did want to stay near the airport and so we'll see what happens.

It looks a little funny on the pictures, but all we really care about is that it's quiet and that there's enough wifi, because we have tons of editing to do before we head to thailand so we're just going to pack our bags and head off. Ah, did you have any last night, I completely forgot. We had that it's nice and frozen cool yeah because fridge belongs in the fridge, belongs in the chocolate chocolate belongs in the fridge. You don't even break me off a piece honey, so I'm so sick of packing.

Already we got ta get rid of these bags, so it looks like the hotel that we booked is a giant construction site like there's no hotel here it used to be a hotel um, we're not sure if it's the wrong address or what's going on um lloyd's At the back with gojek driver trying to figure it out, I'm so tired, we're in like a not so beautiful area of bali. At the moment too, it's just like really run down and not taken care of and the streets are a bit dirty. That's a bit worrying that we might have just got hustled out of our money, but we'll find out. We just got to the hotel in cuda and it's a construction site, so the gojek driver is calling them just to see what the deal is.

I don't know what happened, look through a goater, so you would think everything would be legit yeah, so we made them. They might have changed their address and not updated. I swear this stuff always happens when you're really tired. We've been traveling around nonstop.

For the past few days - and this was meant to be like slow down - I'm like this close to having a nap and the hotel doesn't exist. Where are we sleeping? This is our room honestly, not sure what we're going to do if we can't find the actual hotel. This is saying that this is it because everything's booked out so not very good, so we're homeless tonight, um we're just getting dropped off at mcdonald's and we're going to go see if we can find somewhere else to stay tonight today, just got extra exciting.

Unfortunately, hopefully we can find somewhere, so we've just come to starbucks with all of our luggage, um we're going to try and book somewhere. We actually booked that place through agoda, which is a bit worrying, because I thought that's supposed to be quite trusted to both you. There but apparently that's a bit worrying um, but yeah we're going to see if we can poke somewhere that actually exists. So this is the place that we booked and, as you can see, they're promoting it on sale and that they've got excellent reviews and then there's some left um don't book this one see where it says in the last hour, yeah conned in the last hour.

Also, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea everything today: okay, it's taking about a half an hour, but we think we've booked another place through airbnb this time. Okay, lloyd says it exists, so we're going to jump back in the gojek with all of our bags and hopefully it's there when we get there all right, we're in the go jack or I'm in the gojek voids following behind. I have the bags with me again and we're heading to the next place, so hopefully this one exists. Another thing that I find really funny about this is I'm pretty much wearing pajamas right now, because I thought I wasn't going to be getting out of the car except to check into the hotel and then going to bed um yeah we've just had to be out In public this whole time, but it's all good, it's all good! Okay, um! You guys aren't going to believe this.

We just got to the hotel and got told that there are no rooms available and that our booking doesn't exist at a second place on the verge of a meltdown at the moment, not sure where we're sleeping tonight again for the third time today. I don't even know where to begin with what just happened, so we arrived at the second place that we had booked through airbnb and they said they had no rooms available. We started driving around to all the hotels in the area to see if anyone had any space available and everywhere was fully booked.

Apparently it's a holiday at the moment in bali which we were not aware of. So we came back to this hotel that we were meant to be booked through airbnb with, and we just started messaging every airbnb that we possibly could and they were awful, like everyone was coming back, saying it wasn't available and taking their listings off after we had Messaged them for about four hours. We were sitting in the lobby of this hotel and after four hours they come over and offer us a room after four hours of them saying they had no rooms available and we had to pay again. Yes, sir, not sure what happened why he just said there was no rooms available.

Maybe there wasn't or they didn't know, there was a room available, but that's like the biggest mess around with hotels. I've ever had. First, one was nonexistent, which we kind of thought was pretty funny.

But then, when we found this one and we got here - and they said there was no room and they had no record of our booking. Uh started to get a little bit frustrated. And when we found out we couldn't book anywhere else in the area I mean, while we had all of our luggage and our scooter, so it's not like we could just go to any other hotel.

We had to find somewhere available. So I'm pretty much going to be emailing a go to an airbnb, all night, trying to get refunds and we still need a room for tomorrow, so fun and we're supposed to be editing. Uh.

The vlogs we've just done over the last few days before we go to thailand, but might be a little bit late, depending on how much we have to move around tomorrow. We might just squat here, we've decided we said for we're in they can't get us out. Now, oh man anyway, we're going to try and get some editing done. Lloyd's going to try and get some refunds and um we'll see you guys in the morning bye morning guys so yesterday, we because of our fiasco with the hotels and everything we ended up being able to figure out our booking at this same hotel.

We stayed two nights here um yesterday we had to just post up at starbucks all day, so we could get the vlogs out and edit. We were there for neat like just like over eight hours, just editing um, but we got it done, which was awesome, also got the podcast done, but now it's flyout day we're flying out to thailand. We've just packed up all our things. We don't have quite enough time to get food, unfortunately, so we're hoping that there's going to be something open at the bali airport, which we've heard there isn't a whole lot, but hopefully now that things are busier there might be fingers crossed we get to eat today.

Yeah lloyd's, just getting us organized we're going to head down to the lobby now and we're heading off. I think I have everything here. I don't know like mine's, always stressful, but after covered now it's just there's so many things you have to remember.

So we have our thailand pass qr code, I have a screenshot of our insurance. I have screenshots of our vaccinations. I have screenshots of our outgoing flights from thailand, which I booked last night.

You have to have an outgoing flight or they won't. Let you in, I think, that's it hope. You're not missing. Anything we'll find out just discovered this drink about a month ago, and I love it.

Apparently it's a health, drink yeah like medicine or something and we're having it for breakfast this morning, because we don't have time to get food. You drink this one. What is it? Oh, when you're dehydrated yeah? Oh okay? Oh it's good! For your throat! Okay, all right! We've officially left indonesia and it looks absolutely dead at the airport. Yeah it doesn't.

Look like much is open. Ooh is that food? Well, no premier lounge, it looked like a pub. There was a god checking in to the flight.

Next to us who didn't have his thailand pass yeah and they were saying he can't get on the flight. It felt bad for him yeah so make sure you do it as soon as you can yeah very ahead of time, because you don't know how long it's going to take. There's lots of people probably applying at the same time, but we're going to try and see if we can find something to eat. Let's get the green tea you want to know.

No, these are big croissants. We managed to find some food. All there is is donut shops. Here, though, there's two donut shops, which, if you like donuts, I guess that's good news.

Healthy breakfast. We got two ham and cheese, croissants, a donut, some pringles and two bottles of water, and it was nearly 35 australian dollars. Oh well anyway, at least we get to eat so this is it we're about to leave bali? It's bittersweet.

We've really loved the last six months here, but we're ready to see somewhere else yeah, like we've, seen every corner of bali at this stage. Well, there's a few places like we wanted to get to the gili islands. So hopefully, when we come back, we can do that, but um it really just came down to like our visas are running out. We already had flights to thailand that we had booked months ago, so we could use them.

It just made total sense to go to thailand um we're going to save a lot of money on visas and also just give us a chance to go and see something else. We're pretty excited to be in a new country. Six months in bali has been great but um because we're digital nomads we want to keep moving around and checking out other places. So, although we feel like bali could be a home base, um or a longterm home for us, I think we ought to ourselves to check out some other spots.

First yeah I'm excited to compare even just like prices, what the living situation's like. If it's more comfortable in thailand, we really just want to be able to experience as many digital nomad places as possible. So we know, wherever we do call home, will be the best option for us yeah. So far we don't really have much of a plan we're flying into bangkok, which I'm really excited about, because I've sort of craved a big city after being in bali.

For six months, even though bali is pretty hectic bangkok's just like on another level, I've been there once I've never been so I'm very excited. Lloyd's talked it up a lot. So after that, who knows we're going to probably spend a month, but it's probably going to end up being two months in thailand.

We can extend our visa to two months. If we want we'll, probably decide that pretty soon uh there's a few spots we want to go to, but we're just kind of leaving it all open at the moment. So if you have any suggestions, uh leave them in the comments below. Thank you to all the locals that have been so welcoming and nice to us since we've been here, it's been awesome and thank you guys for watching all of our bali videos and helping our channel grow.

It's been absolutely amazing. We can't believe the growth that we've seen yeah since we've been in bali. We hope you enjoy our thailand series just as much and wherever we end up after that yeah.

Hopefully, you guys follow us on our travels, because we feel like now we're a bit refreshed going to a new country, and we can create some really good content that we want to create nothing's going to be forced, we're just going to be doing all the things We want to do and that we think is helpful to our viewers. This vlog is to be continued, we're about to jump on our plane to bangkok, so tune in for the next episode, which will be our first day in thailand. We hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to our channel, and we will see you guys in thailand bye. You.

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